Automated Office BP

In recent years, Automated Blood Pressure Monitors have replaced the traditional mercury sphygmomanometer, and are just as reliable, without posing a risk to the environment in terms of mercury pollution.

An additional concept is that these machines can be programmed to deliver Automated Office Blood Pressure (AOBP).

The protocol for Automated Office Blood Pressure (AOBP) is as follows.

Programmed on an Omron ( or similar ) device

3- minute rest with doctor or nurse absent (conversation can elevate systolic BP by 20mm)
3 readings 1 min apart – averaged
Repeat if systolic readings vary by more than 20 mm
The results demonstrate that AOBP is more reproducible and reliable than random single arm BP recordings.

AOBP overcomes issues of how problematic it can be to attain an optimal blood pressure reading whilst engaged in conversation , particularly where the conversation may entail potentially stressful emotional or medical issues.

Automated Blood Pressure Monitors