A routine ECG when heart rhythm is stable will provide evidence of conditions which cause arrhythmia such as Prolonged QT Syndrome and Wolfe Parkinson White Syndrome.
In an acute situation where palpitations are actually occurring it is ECG-ASAP. Get to the doctor’s surgery to catch your symptoms on an ECG.
Describing your symptoms after the event is like the telling of tall fishing stories fishing, where seeing is believing.
The next step in detecting intermittent palpitations is a 24 Hour Holter Monitor– just like a tape recorder a Holter records and analyses every heartbeat over a 24 hours period
More elusive arrhythmias can be tracked using an Event Monitor over several days.
An Echocardiogram may be indicated to exclude cardiomyopathy
A 24 Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure study may be indicated to exclude low blood pressure as the cause , or effect of heart arrhythmias.
For a full evaluation at Cardiac Dynamics, just call and request “The Rod Stewart Test”